Saturday, February 20, 2010

What is Human Trafficking?

What is Human Trafficking?
"The greatest and most shameful regrets of history is always about the truth we failed to tell."
—Haugen 2005

to be deceived or taken against your will, bought, sold and transported into slavery for sexual exploitation, sweat shops, child brides, circuses, sacrificial worship, forced begging, sale of human organs, farm labour, domestic servitude.

where family members and friends deceive parents to release their children or sell them for as little as $20 each, selling them on to local gangmasters or serious organised international trafficking rings.

growing. 2–4 MILLION men, women and children are trafficked across borders and within their own country every year. More than one person is trafficked across borders EVERY MINUTE, which is equivalent to five jumbo jets every day. a trade that earns twice as much worldwide revenue as Coca Cola.

where victims usually suffer repeated physical abuse, fear, torture and threats to families to break their spirits and turn them into saleable commodities. a person can be sold and trafficked many times
 Taken directly from STOP THE TRAFFIK
This is not an issue that is halfway around the world! It is in our own backyard...Get educated and help put an end to this social injustice!
Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.~Isaiah 1:17 
“Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. And above all, thou shalt NEVER be a bystander"-Yehuda Bauer
Love protects. Love defends. Love restores. Love empowers. ~LOVE 146

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Pep Talk

You know, sometimes I feel absolutely overwhelmed by the evil, perversity, and injustice in this world. Control, manipulation, abuse, lying, greed...the list goes on...and on. Even if there is one corner of this world that I endeavour to make a difference in, some days, my effort still seems so fruitless. Perhaps part of the problem is my perspective.  I tend to think big picture more often than not. My conciousness is a stream of domino senarios that spread like unending branches of a tree. I do not have a partner to balance my big thinking with...whatever it is that balances it.  So, for me, this means that I rely on God. Where I can't, He can, and even where I can, He helps me to better...that is, if I let Him.

Human trafficking, environmental issues, politics, corporate greed/dishonesty, injustice of all kinds at all levels in society...These are things that concern me, but are way too vast for me to conquer on my own (so to speak)...but not too big for God. And that my friends is why I have hope. So, I will keep spreading the word of injustices, I will keep finding ways to help - even if I don't see the fruit - I will continue. With God all things are possible!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Local Cat Surprise

A grocery bag is discarded on the side of the road. It's on Johnston Dr., just south of town. Just another bag of garbage to litter our roads...or is it?

My daughter and I were out for a nice walk. The day was fantastic - not too cold and sunny. As we walked, we had fun discussions, sword fights with long weeds, and lots of laughter. We were only a few hundred yards from our house when we spotted the unobtrusive sack. Thinking I'd do the environment a favour, I went over to kick it free of the ice to take home and discard; however, upon closer observation, I realized that what was contained within the securely tied grocery bag was not garbage.

Here on the side of the road, just a couple minutes from town and a few hundred yards from my house, was a dead black and white cat with her pink collar still on and what appeared to be kittens, frozen stiff, all stuffed in a plastic grocery bag!

How she died, I have no idea - all I knew was that this joyful walk had ended. My daughter was greatly disturbed (She had lost her black and white cat to a hit and run a few months back when we first moved here.) and I was angry that some insensitive cad had exterminated and dumped these poor creatures as such.

To add to the experience of living on Johnston Dr., back in November as I was tying up my dog in the back yard, 5 kittens came racing over to me from seemingly out of nowhere. They had little fear of the dog as they gathered at my feet, perhaps because they were starving and didn't care or perhaps they came from a home with a dog. Regardless, I brought them inside. The next day, I went investigating to see where they might have been dropped off along the property. It was a good thing I did because the runt of the litter was mewing and shivering in the brush along the roadside. That night, I discovered the mother of the kittens had found her way into my garage. So, there I was with a new house and 7 cats!

As Brendan Wedley from the Peterborough Examiner reported about a month ago, Peterborough has a cat problem. To spay a female cat - starts at $230; to neuter a male - starts at $100, and they must have their first set of shots before the spaying or neutering, which is an added expense of $65 or more. The Humane Society is trying to raise $250,000 to start up a non-profit spay and neuter clinic which will offer these services at a lower cost.

I am imploring of the public to support this much needed service! I am also asking that if you have extra cats/kittens, DO NOT dump them on some unsuspecting poor soul's property! Nor the side of the road - dead or alive! Please contact the Humane Society (705-745-4722).

If you want to donate or learn more about the non-profit spay and neuter clinic, you can visit online at  or contact them directly. The sooner this clinic is up and running, the sooner we can curtail this cat problem.